الأحد، 19 مارس 2017

*print and digital journalism comparative study comparative study preparation : Media by / Nagy abdelsalam elsonbaty Sonbaty ** (prepared the study for the Union of Arab bloggers as part of the draft version of a book and promoted on the digital press (press blogging) ***************************************************************************************************************************

print and digital journalism comparative study 
comparative study 
preparation : Media / Nagy Sonbaty  / Nagy  abdelsalam elsonbaty Sonbaty 
** (prepared the study for the Union of Arab bloggers as part of the draft version of
a book and promoted on the digital press (press blogging) 
 N our articles by revolutions: 
dear citizen you King 
* Dear citizen with actress net positions in blogs and social networks such as Facebook and others became owns gadgets and express your thoughts and opinions without Rqyib just your conscience ... Dear citizen you king if you want Vasobh in the available space in front of you and expressed Cal anything without an abuse of a what you want to declare that it can a way that respects everyone and Athacb them religiously or legally documented that your message will reach and to introduce you tothis study , which shows the difference between traditional our press and our press electronic (digital) with greetings Nagy  elsonbaty
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Note:this study was written in arabic language and translated by google translation ,so this translation may g.t do not know some Arabian words so goole translate it  as written in Arabic but in englisg:a,bc,…

*print and digital journalism comparative study 
comparative study 
preparation : Media  by / Nagy  abdelsalam elsonbaty Sonbaty 
** (prepared the study for the Union of Arab bloggers as part of the draft version of a book and promoted on the digital press (press blogging) 
** Introduction: 
** dating to the press printed inventing Gutenberg printing press , although there were various forms of communication between human beings have the press passed printed tremendous developments included printing, paper, inks and hardware combination devices printing modes are also included editorial ideas and methods of writing and enlisted in the recent two elements foundations computers and communications revolution and was a radio appearance factor contender for printed press and then enter the television broadcasting and the emergence of satellite television network of television stations to compete to become a serious competitor print media as they cope with the event, moment by moment , and supported by regular and colorful cinematic film, video , still images ,which Matadz by the newspaper , despite the development of organs and technologies and remained newspapers resist this competition depending on the interpretation, analysis and the dissemination of Almhawkat readership of sport and incidents is an exciting and credit issues are also on the generation great in the Age of lovers print reading and who finds pleasure to read from a newspaper in his hands , but the competition extending between the print media and television directed competitor dangerously appeared in the last century, but support his feet in thecompetitive market in the last decade of the last century , and with thesolutions of this century became a print newspapers and television stations to chase after him , namely the emergence of the so - called global network for the exchange of information ( the Internet) or so - it (Web) If the crowding terrestrial and satellite television stations and with cable did not affect significantly the size of the print media , despite deducted for a large part of the public reader , however , the global network for the exchange of information (Web) came up with new ideas and turned the print and broadcast journalism of high - yield potentials that need to be a huge financial cost to Aigdr only by governments and companies Aldkhmh..holtha to with a few possibilities Press All that isrequired computers Home or laptop and is available at reasonable prices and varying fit capita income The Order in one of the service providers companies to become the individual a telephone interactive world knows the news at the moment and respond with comment and participation and then moved from huge to press the individual Sahafhalanteg and if the individual is in the printed press is an element of human elements and technical institutional It is in the Web Press is an integrated news organization mini in the person of the individual has an impact , of course , many things have ended press censorship , despite attempts bygovernments to restrict the press the new by blocking websites and rationing incriminating sanctions to press the Web also finished media blackout on people in conflict with the ruling systems in different countries and opened up room for the freedom of the citizen 's right to teach and tolearn about the basic and the right to communicate and the right to know and the right to justice , which is an unprecedented achievement in many areas relating to human rights and whether the censorship of printed newspapers represented in management control and then moved to self -censorship , represented by the editor , a more severe and horrible and represented in the press audio and visual in the control of states , by and what came under private sector control (some of it) consisted censorship in the expression of the thought of the owner of capital and interests and then block out views that are incompatible with it and Mafelt of this is that represented in agreements between states to control television broadcasts and also radiocommunication even for Obadna about censorship , there are policies designed to broadcast all that is contrary to our beliefs and our thoughts and our traditions , worked to change theideas and Baltly the restructuring of public opinion in favor of marginal cases where the concepts and views of new infused through the so -upon communication to influence scientists Alnaom without the need to control protects governments from freedom of display problems ofcitizens of issues of political, economic, cultural and social unlike Managd in digital press freedom without limits and without witnesses only asergeant and one Homhaolh blocking websites and try to criminalize employers views that escape from blocking and so it was for this freedom in the field of digital press room broadband to ask all the concerns of thecitizen and detect deviations and corruption in instantaneously sound and image and writing and movement and light , using a package of Legends and expression , or so - it Almaltimdia. 
** Digital from our point of view and the press are all so - on Maaketb opinions and events are taken forms subjects press a variety of traditional and modern benefiting from modern technologies expressive writing and sound and movement and Balduupaloloan and film video and film and flash and slide on the pages of a virtual network (Web) can then be to call on the sites and on forums and on blogs and on the printed newspaper sites on the Internet .. the term digital press, but the closest to this term is journalism (blogging) , which mushroomed terrible from 1994 , especially in the Arab region , which is the focus of comparison with the print press our study and there is a feature master them compared to the printed press that there is interaction in real time between the press and Internet readers , whether normal or from other bloggers audience while theinteraction between readers and the printed press late in time and controlled by the Liberation printed prime in case Asahafhalmsmoah and video where the editor controls in addition to the exploitation of the viewer and listener in broadcast journalists through telephone calls and letters of s.ms and the importance of digital journalism formed unions volunteer of care and protection, solidarity and technical assistance for the long relationship and exchange of knowledge and information among the press and book digital journalism there an Arab union for online writers and theUnion of Arab bloggers and worldwide there are union of electronic journalism and there are electronic unions ( the study , prepared for theUnion of Arab bloggers --kjze of book paper --- As a member of it and amember of one of its committees for the work of writers and promoted Committee composed of ten members , headed by Dr. Mohammed Shadi Keskin has donated graciously by the Union , Mr. Nayef Alepeshaarh printing paper book on his own account)
**** from here comes the importance of this study we will show it in three sections:
** Provided the above
** Alambgesalool: print journalism
** The second topic: Digital journalism (blogging)
** Section III: A Comparative Study
** list of references and sources
First topic: the printing press
First: the concept paper:
* put Encyclopaedia Britannica definition of the newspaper "as aperiodical bulletin is encapsulated issued in regular classes and are primarily transfer news and most newspapers published daily or weekly and the separation between them and the private Saab magazine among newspapers published every week, but generally called prism magazine if the envelope Bglavi in 1928 , select each of atto groth German citizenship, enwin emery US citizenship newspaper attributes as follows:
1-be published on a regular basis , at least weekly.
2. the printed mechanically.
3. to be available to people from all sides .
4. The content of the newspaper have ever rally interesting and attractive.
5. be of a specified timing with continuity.
Second: the press in its development:
"Advanced means of communication with the masses in the nineteenth and twentieth, and dramatically, and jumped fantastic leaps, because many of the changes that have been made in this period, is the most important social and intellectual developments and progress inventions 0 The
press before that did not have the meaning of this word meaning, and why , the newspaper was about a certain news published issued first issued in each period of time, and was the owner of the printing house, is the one who issued this leaflet, and was not printing house itself on thedegree qualifies them to do this simple act 0
did not print themselves have not evolved a pAL since tried Jutenbrah printed Bible letters intermittent enacted in 1456, then took it develops when taking Almtabjeeh in the appointment of assistants to them both inside the house itself or outside, including Benjamin Dai , who runs one of the presses, which appointed some of his acquaintances, to go to theplaces of the events and write the investigations and that was in 1833 and then known , especially in the United States press press release. but some of them, seeing as defined by German researcher [otto Groth]
and the US [Edwin Emerey], the previous reference to them, that the first real newspaper in the world is [the oxford Gazette] renamed later b [London Gazette] and issued first in 1665, and the show twice a week, and continued to publish to the early twentieth century, and that the first English - language newspaper
Is: [the Daily courant] which appeared in London in 1702, and were largely concerned with substance literary issues , intellectual, and directed mainly to the Safwa educated, and adopted a basis to cover all their costs on the announcement 0
In 1660 issued a stamp of Boston is Benjamin Harris, newspaper dubbed the external and internal affairs , "The American Journal first, included four pages, and the fourth page, leave empty, to fill readers, on their own, before the liberation of friends, and not by the titles of topics, has wanted to Harris, that published monthly, but stopped after a number one for attacking Gov. (Mascosets) because it was issued without a warrant or order of the governor, and arrested its owner and returned to London and seen the difference in the opinion of researchers, referred to, while determines the first researcher history of journalism, history (Benjamin Dai), in the United States in 1833, We find that the researcher determined, after a careful definition of on paper it issued in 1665, but goes to another newspaper published in 1660, and we tend to theselection of the building, on scientific grounds, and is interested in thenewspaper or magazine or periodical definition and application of these rules, the type , to be measured and determined]
** However, Ahmed Bader believes that print journalism known for thefirst time in China in the Dynasty (Tang), in the seventh century, when China knew, Arts Engraving and Printing Alqalbah and if we get in history, with the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe, you will learn on thepress also, we know it today, after the invention of printing, as is known, at the hands (Jutenbrah), and is considered the event, one of thedevelopment of civilization signs prominent, as rolled beyond, theissuance of the press in Europe, Vsdrt first
newspaper printed in Germany, the year 1502, It was called (Niosetonj) and printed the first newspaper in England in 1922, namely , (weekly News (weekly News)
** Then the first newspaper appeared, in Italy, in 1566 and in theNetherlands in 1616 and in Sweden in 1624 and in France in 1631, andthen press appeared in the American colonies, and in America after independence, has witnessed in 1830, tremendous changes in the field ofjournalism, as began the issuance of infrastructure the newspaper penny Press, ie can the ordinary public, to purchase, and it was printed ,including large numbers, and is cost - efficient advertising and increase distribution, offbeat news, stories entertaining and kicked off the world press later in the massive march, with the introduction of technology, advanced in:
(1. 2. printing output). We add to it ( the art of editing the press) as we add them, appliances, equipment and other means of communication, as well as the human element, an enormous quantity of updates, without human understanding of them, and absorb them, through training and learning, are just pieces of iron and wire, bundled, not It will not protect them from hunger [
** Updates have been entered, the above elements, the passage of days, it was ruled, factor (large - scale production which is estimated, however , the major entities, has led this one, attempts to assemble, in the form oflarge companies, or to try to organize governments have, in the form oflarge entities, or nationalized in other entities controlled by one hand, and the magnitude of investments in, and that can not only by big money, and the paper is not affected by the owner, or the publisher only, but they are affected, with its money, tools, machinery and developments intechnology related with making reformatted, the news gathering and submission and publication 0
[the improvements in transportation, from the carrier pigeon, (and by theHoopoe)] as in our opinion, the first carrier to the news, but first his opinion (000 Saba news sure) "and horses and ships legitimacy, to jet, to satellite
've worked all of which, on the speed of gathering and dissemination ofnews, photographs, while assisted mechanical developments in printing and paper industry, to increase the size and quantity, and we can say, that technological development, began the truth since the fifteenth century since the invention of the printing press and until the early nineteenth century, it was a hand print, then used the presses cylindrical cylinder press in the newspaper the Times of London in 1814, then used theprinting press, the steam rather than those that used to be operated manually, and was invented in 1860 panels Injected stereotyr platel then came the great development after that, in 1881, using machines Allenoti linotype while helped (wattage) to improve cutting weight operations, and Tjalida, and edition
also helped the rapid developments in the phone and writing on a typewriter, and drilling operations Engraving and use of colors and inks in technological development, which led to the output of modern newspaper differently, as the twentieth century has seen other improvements in theprocesses and equipment used 0
especially those that relate to , machines combining imaging machines Printing Offset, and those that relate to invent remote printing teletype and so around 1928 (while the news on a typewriter prints in a country or aparticular place, the system Alletip print it in another country, at the same time in addition to innovations in photography aware of , and use, thecolors, and therefore color press appearance) pictorial journalism.
* Indicates technological developments to the possibility of instant printing of newspapers on the scale Alqomywaldoly and so on through electronic impulses electronic impulses that translate in Alahaly newspapers printed, but that is threatening many jobs of technicians and workers] In my view can be re - trained and qualified to deal with new technologies [
Third: press Arab in its development:
* dating to the beginning of the Arab press, in Egypt ... As stated Marjoa Egyptian and Arab press, that Egypt knew the press during the French occupation, called the campaign of Napoleon in 1798, and the issuance of two newspapers, Korti and Hiljpt, to Aricar Ajpshin, but these newspapers , were not Egyptian, but they reflect the mouthpiece of the campaign .. in 1825, Bulaq Press was founded, and issued periodically Journal Khedive and issued tabloid Abraham Moelhi and Mohamed Osman Galal in 1869 as dating the Egyptian press, the newspaper official proceedings, issued in in 1828, also he appeared in Egypt , the first scientific journal specializing in the Arab Middle East , namely , (
Dragonfly Medicine) which was issued in 1865, for fried Pasha and then rolled, Egypt many newspapers and magazines, at the hands of theEgyptians and Hamyin, encouraged by some of the Islamic world leaders, such as Jamal al - Afghani as it can be said that the Egyptian press, passed through many stages, remind them of the following: -
1. the early stages, before the occupation
2. British occupation phase
3. The emergence of national newspapers, Ksahv Mustafa Kamel and Mohamed Farid Abdullah Nadeem
(Major General - and Professor)
Sheikh Algayati (Journal Pro), and so on , from the newspapers, which carried around, different parties, a phenomenon different from the current phenomena, in the newspapers, on the parties 0
as it was for the Arabs and Muslims in Egypt, ample room, in this regard, was the various newspapers to express them, as Muslims, and Kharbin of Ottoman rule, and spread their case Thus, between a tug of war, in loyalty to whom?
* Then came the press independence, with the revolution of July 23, 1952 that was left of this powerful newspapers , but Al - Ahram newspaper, and newspapers (Dar Crescent offline) represents an important stage, from entering the so - called regulation of the press law in 1960, and then thevarious legislation, according to which the profession of journalism , which are by nature, is based on a responsible freedom, not freedom against a large difference between the two, and the status of, and theissuance of the press authority Order No. 148 of 1980, passing the law isrejected , then 61 to Act 96
* was repulsed t in the Arab world newspapers and magazines , including :
in 1828 issued the Egyptian Gazette in Egypt
in 1847 issued an evangelist in Algeria 0
in 1858 issued a garden News - Lebanon
in 1860 pioneering in Tunisia , issued
in 1865 were issued Syria in Syria
in 1866 issued Tripoli - in Libya
in 1869 issued Zora in Iraq
in 1879 issued Sana'a, in Yemen
in 1889 were Morocco, in Morocco
in 1889 issued Gazette in Sudan
in 1908 Hejaz in Saudi Arabia issued
in 1928 were issued Kuwait in Kuwait
** Thus , it is clear that the newspaper Egyptian Gazette, the first newspaper in Arabic, but the "editor" of the Iraqi Razzouk Issa "he says, he appeared in the Baghdad newspaper" Journal Iraq , "created by thegovernor Dawood Pasha Alkrgi in 1818 and was published in Arabic and Turkish, and broadcast them Proceedings of the tribes and the people ofIraq, and news of the Ottoman Empire, and the laws and commands and prohibitions, and other administrative matters.
he says Sami Aziz, that the Arab press, delayed, for modernization, because of Ottoman occupation, and his policy toward the Arabs, and the date of the press, in any Arab country in the Horn 19 shows how what was experienced by the Arab countries , abuse and persecution under Ottoman control. for example, instructions to the press during the reign ofSultan Abdul Hamid, which is as one of the laws of publications, which indicates their content, to fear the power of the press, and the features of the press, of the same features, from penalties for journalists, exiled, tortured and beaten under Ottoman rule, in all the Arab countries ,
and national movements emerged, emerged in the late 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth century, and grew up parties, in the role ofnewspapers as we have said, and the Arab press, associated in World war I by three factors:
1. the official opinion of
2. views of leaders and politicians layer, and dignitaries and high net worth 0
3 singles ambition
4. impact of scientific development and the political, ideological and social life in the press
* It can be said, that this press has evolved, in terms of " the art of editing the press . " It has evolved in terms of "opinion" journalism "news" and "comic investigations" and turned articles from lengthy front page news, columns and half - columns, and linguistic decoration social press method.
Fourth: The talk in the Egyptian and Arab newspapers evolution:
[Aastvadt the Arab States of the recent developments in the field ofjournalism from equipment manufacturers of printing equipment and devices of communication devices and imaging equipment, and theprogress in the science of chemistry as reported in photography in color and in the news and in the paper industry, and the progress in thescience of mechanics and in the printing industry machinery and electricity, papermaking, inks, etc., from related industries, the elements of the press, and the means of handling and ease, and is pleased, achieved a breakthrough, compared with manual handling, ranging from the moving belt, resulting in saving of time and effort,
but this Alastphadat of innovations:, differed from state to state, since, because they need a lot of money, to Aigdr them, but strong institutions, which have good sources of funding, but we find that the least well -skilled in the press now has the finest printing levels and finest inks and finest papers , due to the emergence of oil in these countries, making them the ability positioned to provide such a huge industry, by thedeveloped countries , journalists, such as Egypt and Lebanon, not content with this, but the polarization, journalistic talent, from journalists and directors and workers to print skilled and Odzlt them tender, to becompleted rings graphic production has, of modern hardware technical, administrative, editorial and cadres, a successful production elements, but it is a shame to her, much as it is an advantage, since these, temporary labor quickly back to her country and soon the these countries, of trying, he served leadership positions, and national elements, but the problem is not in leadership positions in
addition to the lack of direction of strong and effective have national components of the work of the press, rather than the other works available have 0
the problem is the difficulty in the lower levels of the editor or even managing editor, which runs the workshop this work [0
*** in Egypt, began the role of newspapers in the update itself, in all respects, and the worker layout, the most important element, as in parts of the world, has the experience, has begun, in Dar cooperation and Dar knowledge and began in newspapers and magazines other
but the main experiments, begun in the newspapers Al - Ahram and thenews and in the Republic newspaper later in the House Crescent, still in the role of implementation, substituting modern combination machines, for Anuteb and Antertab, then combine graphic, with offset printers, which conquered the world now because of the multiple advantages printing experience and were prominent in the Al - Ahram newspaper in renovations carried out, and in the news and in the republic newspaper after a period of Al - Ahram experience and the experience of the news, which was not limited to the availability of such devices and machines, but surpassed the availability of modern buildings fit it, represented by the built the pyramids relatively modern, built in the News Corporation 's new today, close to the old building and in the new Republic newspaper building.
** Fourth, the press, public opinion and society:
• After studying for several years the committee called the Committee onFreedom of the Press , which consisted of professors of American Universities:
* - until the public five ideal demands of the press as follows:
1. to be a comprehensive report on the exact events of the day
2- to be a space for the exchange of constructive criticism and comment Ali significant events 0
3. show Guest and trends constituent groups of society
4. submission and clarify the goals and values of society
** Fifth: the ethics of the practice of print journalism:
** and we mean the rules adhered to by workers in the newspaper group ,a so - it ( the code of honor press) and we will show the Charter of honor press in Egypt as a model for what should be adhered to by Alaamilomn in the press which is to detract from the codes of conduct in many countries of the world came the Charter that the work 's press Aestmd honor of the quality of his performance , but is derived by this honor for the purpose for which they serve Almnchorh..an floor abstract word from the obligation to serve the progress of our people devoid of honor does not take place and to honor the commitment to the work of the press Alaama had a choice and donations and independent of all tutelage and supervision, guidance and respected sources.
** The independence of the press , in turn , social responsibilities andsocial order and people under its control alone is the first condition for thework of journalist Sharif performance and responsibility.
** According to the journalists and staunchest Bmahm responsible for it ... that envisage in his behavior professional principles of honor, honesty and integrity, ethics and traditions ..otry reverence Khalifa and other media that there are obligations of ten , like the false Charter of Honor journalist summed up in the abolition of all restrictions on freedom floor and easy access to information and the facts and the availability ofguarantees for journalists in freedom of expression and would cover theevents and in the relationship would determine the official press institutions approaching and to demand the lifting of censorship in all its forms and to identify the role of advertising in a society like ours , and in line with the objectives of our society. And add that to the press at thesame time that the journalist committed to the rules of professional conduct Sharif in all its aspects and to keep away from work ads and that the viewpoint of the parties at hand presents a case and looking right and laying the foundations of justice and not in favor of power against thecitizens of his country because he works for the people and then to express their issues and defends them and that envisages rules of ethics and honor and to protect the sources of his information and that fears God and his conscience into account in all the work he is doing.
The second topic: Digital Press:
Digital Press (web press or blogging)
as our offer print media offer a new kind of journalism , and if we say that the print press its field of paper, ink and printer digital press is scope VR or the so - called system Web has been dubbed the electronic media ,which Tatmdaly Web If published materials was on the network it includes many titles that can be falls below the term of the press such as forums, sites and electronic versions of print journalism and blogging Aln closest to the term electronic journalism is blogging and we'll show the concept and scope and impact and ethics and limitations.
First: the beginning: the bureaucracy
** Some believe that the Code Arabs due to Aldowayn system Ge beginning of the Islamic State ( the era of the Caliphs)
** and bureaucracy collection "Diwan" The Court means the record onwhich the record business, money , and those responsible for it or them, or on the extent Mawardi expression in the Bowl provisions: the Court subject to save the rights of the Sultanate of business and the money is carried out by armies of workers, then the word has also launched ametaphor from the door of the place , which kept the records are being working out.
Researchers have differed as to the origin of this word, and some went on to say that it is due to the Persian origin, including Ibn Khaldun in his introduction, while the back by the others to Arab descent, without thething that means: proved, in the words of Ibn Manzoor in San Arabs taking all Sibawayh.
This linguistic definition, historical Baldoowin we can get to therelationship between the bureaucracy and blogs are both a way to jot down or save all events taking place in the era.
With the difference between blogging and government offices, government offices were used to codify Islamic state affairs, it was not available to the general public that it codifies what he wants, but what was to save the rights of the state of money and work and other matters of state.
The blogs are a way codify or saved, but is available to all that the blogging into a subject and freely.
However we do not deny that there is a historic stretch between the bureaucracy and the blogosphere.
And from here we can say that blogging is evolving powers and rapid system bureaucracy
** Second , the concept of the Code
** Blog (Blog or Weblog) is a website that uses electronic as anewspaper, like the rest of multimedia, in some cases, blogs focus on aparticular subject, such as food, politics , or local news, and can these codes are a daily diary.
Blogs can contain text, pictures and links to other blogs, websites, and other media related to the article 's .
** Since the emergence of the concept of blogging in 1995, and from there to bring him back in 1994 spread of blogging in the world dramatically, and the form of massive popular community, thus many sites on the Internet has become, it offers the possibility of free hosting for these blogs.
** The terminology WebLog first appeared in late 1997, and then theshortcut Blog appeared two years later. But this kind of Web sites appeared some years ago, and exactly in May of 1994. According tostatistics in August of last month, the number of blogs around the world more than 50 million blogs!
Wall WebLog literally means "network records"; and are intended to: aletter diary. The Arabs agree on a "code" Ktrib's Weblog (or Blog), and "codify" Triba for Blogging.
In the opinion of Dr. Abdel Fattah Murad it must be translated Mstalj Friends word hanging However conservatory on this opinion because outstanding were attached to the walls and in the ancient period of time and in quite limited and Mjhh place for the public regional while Entries exist as long as the web you are connected to the network, targeted to millions of people and then Frqatha geographical and time and human endless.
** Codes are sites on the Internet are easy to set up, maintenance and updating, has emerged initially as an e personal diary teenagers writes the interests and the details of their lives, and then evolved into a way to express their views and dialogue on common issues, and then the third Gulf War came to come out of these codes into the limelight to know so did the quality of blogging boom in more than one region of the world.Where blog posts have evolved and established itself a new style of electronic journalism, and perhaps the basic strength is that they represent the voice of "man on the street" without any Rtushat ideological or institutional control. Valmdonat broker open to spread the views from all directions, it is also Banatha and the speed of its approach to events almost pull the rug out from under the traditional press, especially in thenarrow space nations of the freedoms of expression, and the near - total monopoly of information by the authority.
Rebecca Blood is that bloggers are renegades in the online world.Vkdrthm the purification and disclosure of information for a wide range of recipients and their location outside the scope of mainstream media are two of the most important strengths. They do not owe for one. Spreading information, refer to it and pin them according to their own standards distinctive.
************************************************** **
Third: the basics of blogging (Bloggs): The
term Blog is derived from the word web log and the means to access the network, and has been integrating the two words became a Weblog, shortened and became a Blog, and who writes articles called for Blogger, the writing process is called PAL Blogging.
Articles on the blog have the general shape of the following:
Title - the headline of the article, or the header of the article.
The body - the main content of the article.
Comments - added comments on the article by readers.
Link article - put the complete URL of the article (if any).
Date of publication - date and time of the article for publication.
** What is the difference between the Code and regular sites?
Entries consist of basic recipes, it apart from the standard Web pages. It allows the creation of new pages: new information easily be added within a form (usually consisting of a title, category, and the body of the article), and then add the article to the blog.
Automatic templates takes care of adding the article to the home page, create a full page of the article.
It also allows easy filtration on the content of the Code, according to thedate, category or author.
It also allows the Director of the Code add a number of publishers, who are authorized to have articles within the code.
** - Digital Media:
After the spread of texts and internet connections, some blogs havebecome includes images, and video clips.
Some blogs contain links to audio files.
There are codes of codes called the MP3, be specialized to publish songs from the relevant species.
There are a lot of names that are issued to reflect such moblog blogs, and blogs are competent mobile devices
Fourth: the types of blogs:
** Personal: publisher where he writes his own ideas, or his own hair, or the graphics painted, thus becoming personal as Exhibit Entries can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
** Previous experience: so that the publisher have expertise and experience in the Code, the Code and thus become like a CV of his own, he was all the abilities and skills.
** Social: that it deals with social themes publisher, she writes stories inspired by the society in which he lives.
In addition to blogging literary, cultural, economic, political, scientific, and sports ... etc.
Thus , we find that there are many types of blogs, practical content ofeach blog, which determines the type of blog.
Fifth: The Arab blogs:
** among more than 37 million blog annexed the Internet (1), hardly theshare of Arab blogs over the best estimate for 40 thousand blog (2), most of them established in 2006, but that the impact and popularity of the blogs expectations exceeded and have come to represent a headache at the top of many Arab governments that are heavily afraid to own citizens and the media allows them to expose illegal practices and undemocratic characterizing these governments approach, particularly after theprominent activity of Egyptian bloggers, who were like someone pointed out a new path can route of Arab bloggers , even if they pay a price for Egyptian bloggers activity and detection of this high price, many of them represented in prison for many months, following accusations of unfair and biased investigations.
Despite the recent emergence of Arab blogs in general, but it has become an effective tool shred Arab bloggers to use, whether to express their concerns and the concerns of their communities , including concerns personal or public.
Many groups have emerged have used this method in the detection of thesilent Arab world , such as the eating of the details of undeclared about the nature of life to their communities
** emergence of Arab blogs across Milestones
Arab blogs began appearing in nearly three years , through theemergence of some of the codes that are relatively old , such as " Annals of the owner of the trees ,
"but some of the events that took place on or through the Arab bloggers, has contributed significantly to ask questions about this new tool or blogs, which are important stations and a starting point made Activity bloggers and their writings under the spotlight, prompting much of the Arab public, especially young people Anne establish their own blogs.
The most important of these events or significant milestones that contributed to the fame and expand bloggers ** a series of articles for theveteran journalist Jihad el - Khazen in the London - based Al - Hayat newspaper widespread blogging and the Internet in the world in general ,with a focus on the Arab world at the beginning of 2006.
** Signal Press writer Mohamed Hassanein Heikal during a meeting withAl - Jazeera to follow up his interest and code of "Bahia" from Egypt.
** On the sixth of April 2006 dismissed the Minister of Economic Affairs and the general public writer (for good Blchorh) because of his trip to theNew Zealand Ministry commissioned more than ten million centimes, thanks to the listed Rashid Jankari published in his blog reveals this waste.
Fifth: the impact of blogs:
** had Juan Cole, professor of history, a lot to say about terrorism and thewar in Iraq, but few listened to him, and could not publish his articles in the newspapers, but when he created his blog got 250 thousand readers per month, and began to appearing in the media, and even testified before the Senate Committee on Foreign relations; he says: "As a result below my posts, I was invited by Middle East Journal Journal of the contribution in fall 2003. when the Senate Committee on Foreign relations staff conducted research among publications for Muqtada al - Sadr and his movement, does not appear only woks. Senate staff and some members have read and they were eager to know my views on the situation. " This shift to Juan Cole , an expert and thinker known enhances the stunning impact of the blogosphere.
** In the month of September 2004 CBS news network published a report of a large Mzieiha (Dan Rather), the relevant documentation President Bush 's military service. His blog PowerLine seemed to him that forged documents he wrote about it in his blog, and within hours reach of a readers authentic documents issued by the National Guard so he published immediately in his blog, and then quickly indicate more than 500 other site to blog PowerLine, and begin to talk about this blog in theAmerican media and would be attributed credited with the error CBS report revealed.
This is a good example of the power of blogs, there are those who consider this incident the beginning of the maturity of US codes.
** Blogs force also highlights the continuing follow - up events and developments even after they turn her traditional media to new events, and bloggers in the United States have become a media force and influential in the decisions increasingly.
** In December 2002 forced Trent Lott, the leader of the majority party in the US Senate, to resign from his post, because of comments uttered with a celebration. The media did not care, but those comments did not pass peacefully for bloggers, turning a mistake Trent Lott to complete scandal.
** The other concession of blogs has emerged during the Southeast Asia tsunami, where already there are bloggers the press coverage of thedisaster, and covered in detail the word and the image of mass - winning, so that the major television channels for the transport of these codes.Also it has these codes incitement and motivation to donate, so that this enthusiasm push the British government to increase the value of adonation after donation surpassed the British what you intend to offer.
Also the same excellence achieved blogs during Hurricane Katrina ,which struck the United States of America.
** Arabs still limited the impact of blogs, with the exception of the Egyptian blogs that emerged packaged with the last presidential elections and theemergence of "adequacy" popular movement and excellent coverage of the massacre committed by the Egyptian regime against the Sudanese refugees, remains the effect of non - existent Arab blogs. The Moroccan blogs , what is less than that pose a significant voice traffic continues toissue, but the head start , which recently made a blog Rashid Jankari may be a leap ahead Moroccan blogs to declare themselves and become stronger distinct media, especially with elections approaching.
** During the last week of March 2006 Organization ICCAN held its last meeting , New Zealand, has represented Morocco where Mr. Hassan Blchorh year book at the Ministry of Economic and General Affairs. Unlike the rest of the delegations that the voyage across Malaysia, the Moroccan actor marathon journey through Paris and Los Angeles, which theministry was commissioned more than 130 thousand dirhams -oho much more than the amount of the cost of such a trip.
** Blogger Rachid Jankari, technical journalist casanet company overseeing the gate news Menara.ma and owned by Maroc Telecom, has published a bill that exposes this waste in his blog, the reaction came totally unexpected: Director Rashid in the work force him to withdraw that topic from Blog threatened with dismissal from work. Although there is never a relationship between the company and the ministry, and even completely independent Entries for the company!
Moroccan bloggers community move fast in solidarity with Rachid, it arose more than a blog to redeploy that subject, and arrived enthusiasm to the written press , who spoke on the subject. Result: Announcement director Rachid Rachid stay in his work, and the announcement by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs for the dismissal of General Hassan Blchorh writer.
Though Rashid was forced to withdraw the subject of his blog, fearing for their sole source of income, but the intervention of the rest of the bloggers came fast enough, to say that the Moroccan blogs began its journey towards maturity, and will soon take its place as a source of power in thedecision - making.
************************************************** ********
** what is the reality of the Arab electronic press worldfootball?
** Arabs began to talk about the electronic press immediately after thestart of the Internet to provide in Arab countries; the middle of the last decade. Since then , and even now it is still the term "electronic media" -arabiya- intractable constipation. Arab Valhoudor, technical constraints, is still scarce , compared to the global press, the situation of Morocco is not in isolation from the Arab reality as a whole. If we say that it is less than Arab counterparts will never Nganb right.
Right. To talk about the reality of the electronic media in the Arab country exaggeration. Electronic journalism, accounting for more than 50% illiteracy rate , a literacy reading and writing , and represents the number of Internet users in which the percentage not exceeding 20% of thepopulation !! The world's first talk about the democratization of theInternet, namely the right of all citizens to have access to the Alanturnt.o We in the Arab world still have to speak for many of the problems Alhaob-- says Moroccan writer and expert blogging Mohammed Saeed Ohadjioj-- of providing employment opportunities and food and clothing, treatment, education, housing, goods and other basic services without raising prices and an increase in taxes and fees under new laws or under administrative decisions, he adds that they are citizen of Morocco , and add that they are citizen Arab generally
** parental control online
censorship crisis worry haunted all parents. But for any control we talking about? Is there a possibility of control in front of the amazing flow of theInternet? The answer is absolutely no.
Why should we think about censorship? There are only two things can be the fear of them: the pornographic sites, and sites of the extremist mindset.
If the education and upbringing has properly, with the training of children and their parents to get them used to discuss, we will never be afraid of these two dangerous. Education is rational is based on suppression toprotect the child from the moral chaos, and develop the chastity keep him out of pornographic sites. As for getting used to the freedom ofexpression is the only way to protect children from drifting towards theses intellectual extremes.
Mohammed Saeed Ohadjioj believes that this is just talk my utopian. We should not forget that half of the people are illiterate, and this means, some circular, that half of the children growing up amidst a cultural level of the families of non - existent, it is there to talk about the "prevention" of the negative effects of the Internet remains far from reality. It remains therisk of drift "ex situ" is very improbable, and will not benefit any control about it. Reaching the Internet can be done from anywhere; from home or abroad. The solution that we need: education.
Vlenzael first: What is the reason for the low level of reading the printed book? The first answer is always present: the budget crisis. How can a citizen daily salary of less than five dollars to buy a book cost up to ten dollars? It is never easy. Arab support level books are very meager, this -Add to impose some Arab countries tariffs on Ketab- raise the price of thebook is fabulous, limiting the proportion of acquisition.
In front of the high cost of the book, do not stay in front of the Arab citizen only sufficiency newspaper or magazine light, as far as its budget.
As for the case of electronic publishing do not differ in anything. The experience of the deployment of Arab books electronically experience is still outside the measurement, Attempts are very rare, Almighty currently is copied from traditional books. Modern books are rare, and also the cost of not less Algalb- At five dollars per book. Taking into account the issue of the difficulty of reading in front of the computer screen, read the entire book in electronic form is not easy. Here , too: the citizen finds himself obliged to simply read newspapers and magazines, with breasts electronic pattern.
No different then: Reading the crisis are the same. Both for print or electronic book to book. The problem has always primarily: material.
Deviation without the use of such "filters". The risk remains ever - present in front of the low educational level of households.
Overall , the experience can be limited to ' the world of the Web' in thenarrow sense of course in three stages: 1 stage of domestication and discovery learning phase 2 and the practice of research and exploration self - reliant. 3 skill and production programs and effective contribution to the stage ..
and blogging expert adds that the experience Arabic - is still wandering in the "domestication" stage. But there are non - trivial segment of Internet users exceeded Moroccans seeking the exploration stage to stage, and some of them reached the production stage. It varies from state to state.Palestine or Egypt , for example , arrived in the actual production and contributing to the stage. There are countries such as Tunisia and theGulf states arrived at the stage of self - reliance. And there are countries still like the
many who care about the domain do not differentiate between electronic writing and journalism written how it describes
Sixth: - the ethics of blogging
see Rebecca Blood expert in the field of media and blogging
** that the real reason for the start of the news organizations in fact thephenomenon of blogging is the potential impact of network codes, it may also be the reason behind the deal with blogging Ksahafh. Bloggers may not think
in terms of control and influence , but the commercial media to do so.The media seeks above all to gain a wide range of recipients. Which it relies advertising gains, which are the lifeblood of any means or dissemination of professional radio, on the size of the audience . It is a way Alnscherhzh the standpoint of trade publication The content is only to attract the eyes of the ads, whether the means used are publications or TV.
The journalists --nas transporting Alobar-- aware of the potential for the exploitation in the core of their system, which relies on support from the business sector and Almmiskin the reins of power, each with his agenda, which is working on its implementation. The ethical codes of journalists designed to determine the responsibilities of the press and to provide clear regulations for conduct to ensure the integrity of the news.
But blogs produced by non-professionals do not have such controls, and bloggers show their pride most of the time this amateur status, and it seems the slogan: "We do not need anyone who checks the facts behind" is the prevailing approach them as if they were inaccuracies virtue.
Let me suggest "a radical conception:" The greatest strengths of the Code - being free voice without supervision or interference from one- is also the greatest weaknesses. News outlets may be in another city comes to the benefits of advertising has journalists has a strong incentive to maintain good relations with their sources to stay in the area, but because the news professional institutions is to have a trade salaries paid, and advertisers to make them happy and recipients to attract them and keep them, therefore it has a vested interest to support certain criteria readers continue to pay their subscriptions and advertisers buying. The blogs Vpetkfattha simple little hope in a good physical income do not have this type of incentives.
The very things that may threaten the professional news outlets are at the same time, incentives for a certain level of journalistic standards. The same things that make blogging very valuable alternative news sources - the absence of guards and freedom of every Alawaqub-- may affect the integrity and thus its value. There are many indications that blogs will gain tremendous influence their numbers increased publicity and awareness Bnoaha. But it is not true what some people confirmed that the network will avoid false information or that the truth is always purified to spread awareness. Rumors spread because the diffusion fun. The patch, but it is equally entertaining, rarely gets a lot of attention, both in the real world or on the Internet.
Almost no talk about ethics in the blogosphere: Outlaws are known for their resistance because they are told that what they should do. But I will suggest six rules I think they are the foundation of ethical behavior for all types of publishing on the Internet. I wish I could take the blogging community into account the principles presented here; the passage of time and the increasing expertise may see the need for the community in addition to these rules, or to further codify our standards. I hope at least that these rules will provoke discussion about our responsibilities and complexities of collective behavior.
Ethical Journalism rules seek to ensure impartiality and accuracy in news reporting, and compared Each of the proposals are trying to come to transparency - one of the distinctive features of the Code and more strengths - every aspect of the practice of blogging. It is not realistic to expect that every blogger / blog to present a balanced picture of the world, but it is very logical to expect them to talk about their sources and prejudices and behavior.
The bloggers Egyptians, despite the work done, on their quest to consider them as journalists will have a special interest in adhering to these principles. Someday news organizations have indicated their willingness to refer to the blog (or blog entries) as a reliable source, only if General blogs showed integrity in the collection and dissemination of information and consistency in their behavior on the Internet.
*** Any blogger is expected to give advantages and protect the profession of journalism because the need to go beyond these principles. The rights have responsibilities associated with it; in the end, the extent of theindividual professionalism and accuracy followed ethical recognized standards that will determine the position in the eye of society and thelaw. As for the rest of us , I believe the following criteria is sufficient:
1. Spread a fact just what you think is true
if you say just a guess, disclosed it. If you have reason to believe that something is true, either not published or register Thfezatk it. When itconfirms something I do that good thought, I mention this fact only if they are actually depending on your knowledge of the fact.
2. If the material is present, place a link to her when they refer to
link material referred to allow readers to judge for themselves the accuracy and insight into what it says. The reference to the materials but put links only to agree with him is a fool. Online readers deserve, as much as possible, the facts of each force. Use of the Internet in this way can the readers to become active not passive consumers of information.Moreover, linking sources is more ways in which we create the new information network and a common and broad knowledge.
On rare occasions when the writer wishes to point without causing a traffic density of the site it considers reprehensible morally (site Hateful, for example) should be written (without laying a link) the name or location abuser title and remember the reason for the decision not to put a link.This will give readers enthusiasts find the required information because the site and judge for themselves. This strategy allows the writer to retain acknowledged its transparency (and thus integrity) at the same time refrain from supporting the cause can be found menial.
3. publicly corrected any wrong information
if you find that you have put a link to the story is true, point to thedevelopment of more accurate link to the report, if proven to be one of your words is not accurate, point to both the truth and you say is true. At best these corrections will appear in the latest version of the entry Kmlhozh added to the original blog post. (Remember that the search engines will produce Entries regardless of the time of publication; Once the existence of entry in the archives , they may continue to deploy entry is true even though the information corrected a few days later). If youwere not ready to add a correction to an earlier blog post, at least to thepoint that in a later blog post.
One of the obvious ways to signal to correct that which is applied by Cory Doctorow, a book blog Boeing Boeing, it is costing to any false information and adds the corrected information directly afterwards. The reader can see clearly what was written by Bill Currie originally and information which they feel the Code and that it is more accurate. (Type it using the HTML as follows: The reader can clearly see what was written by Bill Currie originally and information which they feel the Code and that it is more accurate)
4. Write down all blog entries like you will not be able to change; Post but do not delete or rewrite any codification.
Spread carefully. If invested time and effort in every blog post will emphasize the professional and personal your integrity.
Change or delete Entries destroys the integrity of the Internet, the Internet has been designed to be connected; certainly archive links is an invitation for others to connect. Anyone attached to or quotes the text of the Web depends on the text remains unchanged. Addition phenomenon is the preferred way to correct any information anywhere on the Internet. If the supplement is not practical, as in the case of an article contains a huge amount of inaccuracies, Changes must be registered with the date and a brief description of the nature of the change.
If you think that the whispers too much, keep in mind that if the writer refers to the document on the Internet to support the claim. If the document has changed or disappeared - especially if Altgier-- did not score, the argument will be considered nonsense. Books do not change, fixed and newspapers. New copies on paper always mean they are new implicitly.
Common knowledge network we are building more than a fad will not become unless we protect the integrity of the creation of a proven track record, which we publish. Internet benefit even from the blog that were deemed irrelevant to current circumstances change themes, historical remains as records. For example: a blogger complains of the lack of an article on the Internet accurate; Visahh Writer things inaccurate and (score it!); Then do not become a post blogger is meaningful? Survey entry means somehow that the whole incident did not happen-even though it occurred. Record be accurate history and serve better if bloggers record under the original blog that the writer has corrections that story now, according to science blogger is accurate.
You can rewrite history but can not cancel what happened in it. It is possible to change or erase the words on the Internet, but the possibility of the act does not always mean correct policy. Think before you publish and defended what you write. If you decide later that you were wrong about something, record it and continued to blogging.
I chose never to publish anything I was not ready to defend him even if Idid not agree later. I'm working on that
I'm with insight and accurate, no matter how you are angry or excited about a particular topic. If I changed my mind after a day or two I register this change. If you need because I apologize for anything I said , I apologize.
If you find that you published false information, you must register it openly in your blog. Survey entry abusive will not correct the misinformation that absorbed readers. Do additional step to add additional correction of the Code will ensure that publishes Googleplex accurate information in the future.
The only exception to this rule is when you disclose personal information to a so inadvertently. If you find that you have betrayed a trust or made him uncomfortable mentioned in the post, it is fair to remove the whole post, but the record that you did it.
5. reveal any conflict of interest
Most bloggers are clear with regard to their jobs and Ahtmamthm career.The experience of programmed computer are what give special weight to their comments when the decomposition of an article in the magazine features the latest operating systems. As long as the mass Entries based on trust, it is the interest of every blogger to disclose any material interests (or potential conflict of interest) when they require it. It may have a particular effect of the bill was introduced in Parliament or commercial integration of vision; if they will benefit directly from the result of any event, you must register it in its observations. Entries and admire a product or service must register it carries the shares in the company every time supports the service on its front page. Even Entries that receive a CD -ROM for the evaluation must be recorded that fact; readers can decide for themselves whether the positive assessment of the building or on the taste of its desire to continue to receive free CDs.
Quickly record any possibility of conflict of interest and then say what youwant; then readers will have all the information they need to assess your comments.
Section III: A Comparative Study: The
third topic: the printing press, the press printed a comparative study:
** We can through previous offer that Ngarn- in Ajalh- between them as follows:
1. some called a printing press in the modern electronic media or digital media age , and this designation wrong because there is a difference between the use of digital technologies in the printed version of the paper and the digital version of the entire web , which Mantaleg the digital press or electronic journalism summit on blogging.
2-printed press issued daily in the morning or Msaouaoo Tsdrosbuaah or Snoahoo monthly, quarterly , semi - annual or annual While the issue ofdigital journalism published simultaneously in any case and Alto.
3-Press printed Atelhak news compared with the media audio and video while digital press Taatba news compared these means in real time.
4-Press printed using printing elements of the paper and the ink and theprinting press has been used text, image and color elements into the mix get me out while digital media is used along with text, image and color Almaltimdia elements of the video is a movie , and Flash is sliced and music and sound in harmony.
5-characterized electronic writing for print media using the so - called text superior or Hypertext term means that for limitless front of creativity into that there is a correlation between the text and other texts related to thecurrent text , but there may be a correlation between the picture element or one of the elements of multimedia and other links to the same previous elements Danoa which interaction between the newspaper and thereader and gives her scenes and hear are not compressed in time Math..aly unlike print media where you will not find a page is written that represent text alone and there may be Ahlat to other pages to Asktmal text.
6-writing Alno.ahmn where drafting is characterized by condensation and brevity and focus on the most important , while the print media based on the classic formulation methods and that got rid of the last years of theexcess fillers methods and followed a simple language called scientists call the media language and consistent with the digital press on an item important in shaping the news only.
7-print media are slow and lack of innovation unlike digital journalism characterized by speed, innovation and renewal.
8-digital journalism depended on the cooperation between the different actors in the field of publishing , such as to provide the service companies and the exchange of information and the use of modern techniques in the collection and publication of digital Unlike print media.
9-digital press does not need to significant costs for its establishment asopposed to the press Almtbuahobeks also broadcast journalism.
10-digital press does not need to laws and administrative restrictions and the requirement for its establishment or to operate contrary to the printed press and the press also , unlike audio and video.
11-legal control over the print media , represented by the criminalization of the crimes of press publishing laws and set forth in the press legislation and penal laws , while The censorship Asahafhalno.ah in blocking websites by ISP companies then finally turned from the reality of the application to the criminalization of certain publications and application of criminalization their laws in more of the case in the Arab countries.
12-digital journalism has transformed the prevailing central system in theprint media , but in other media to decentralized where each individual is in itself its own independent newspaper.
13. Digital media have a strong influence on the masses and to express them , and the formation of public opinion and mobilize people to support a public issue and then it may impact a stronger decision - maker compared to printed newspapers and other media.
14-digital press worked to highlight the full facts and documented in Alto and in the moment and from different sources , as opposed to the printed press and other media , which exercised a sort of Filtration for news and information before publishing them in favor of the ruling power or external or financial authority or other lobbyists authority.
15-digital journalism worked on human communication at the local level and at the national level and at the Arab level and on the Islamic level and at the level Almymgarnh printed press.
16-digital journalism scrapped geographical boundaries between nations and helped the exchange of information and ideas among peoples and each other as opposed to the printed press.
17. digital press promoted freedom and democracy and justice Alajtmaihoalthagavah and Alssayashwalajtmaih values and supported theconcepts of brotherhood, equality and the rights of peoples, peace based on justice , compared with the press and other media Almtbuahoosail.
18-digital journalism has opened the way for creators in various fields oflife and the forces of the opposition and the independent owners thought compared to the printed press and other media , which has put the role of the media Altaam on these groups in favor of a variety of salads and certain groups pressure.
A list of references and
** First , in the field of print journalism:
** reverence Khalifa / d / science Liberation press-Part One / First Edition / 1980
Publisher -mketbh Anglo - Egyptian
** reverence Khalifa / d / press means and the challenges of the Muslim community / first Edition 1980
-Egyptian Anglo library publisher
** Ahmad Badr / d / et al. (Abdul Rahman Sheikh Abdullah / Nabil Ibrahim)
Kuwaiti press Study documentary analytical historical analytical historical archival
publisher - Sabah Foundation Publishing and distribution / 1979
** Ibrahim Abdo / d / the evolution of the Egyptian press from 1798 to 1981
Alneshr-- Arabs scored 1982
** Khalil injuries / d / journalism and message / versions of Knowledge House book No. 27/1977
** frozen Hassan Abdel Aziz / contemporary language of the press / releases Dar Knowledge / book number 98 1978
** Mahmoud Fahmy / art major edit / Egyptian General book Authority newspapers in 1982
** Sami Aziz / d / diary in the history of Egyptian and Arab Press / Faculty of Information 1983
**************** ******************
** Layla Abdul Majeed / d / freedom of the press between the legislation and the application / without publisher 1985
** Layla Abdul Majeed / d / Egyptian press and the cause of democracy / publisher / library Arab / 1983
** Ragia Qandil / d / diary in the international media / Faculty ofInformation in 1984
** Mahmoud Alam El Din / d / press Art in / Library Faculty of public Information of the magazine
** Mahmoud Alam El Din / d / diary in the output press / College media / 1984
** No. 355 962 extension Ahram / newspaper issued on 03.06.1984
** Second: in the field of digital journalism:
** Sources and references:
** **** entries to Rebecca Blood: translation Nasr Ahmed Agiza and review Rehab Bassam)
** site The Arabic network for Human rights Information
** Mohammed Saeed site Ohadjioj expert blogging known and Moroccan citizenship.
** The Arabic Network for Human Rights Informationhttp://www.hrinfo.net/books/
Http://www.drmourad.net/blog/?p=6 ****
** see Judge Abdul Fattah Murad his blog:
«scientific and legal assets of the codes of ethics on the Internet due to industry pendants» see judge Dr. Abdel Fattah Mourad Entries on thedefinition of the language and idiomatically and his proposal on amending this name to be the (pending) instead of ( the code).

This is the Arabic translation of "Weblog Ethics" by Rebecca Blood * Ethics * Blogging - By Rebecca Blood translation Nasr Ahmed Agiza - references ...

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This is the Arabic translation of "Weblog Ethics" by Rebecca Blood * Ethics * Blogging - By Rebecca Blood translation Nasr Ahmed Agiza - references ...